
Engineering Assisted Surgery™


Keywords | Summary | Correspondence | Literature


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New developments in engineering, used for the first time in oral and maxillofacial surgery, permit the manufacture of accurate anatomical biomodels of the skeleton from CAT scans (rapid prototyping). Biomodels have been used in diagnosis and treatment planning in conjunction with existing clinical interventions. EAS technology lends itself evolution of new treatments and clinical procedures, previously not possible and has been the catalyst for the design / manufacture of customized titanium implants for the single staged reconstruction of the orofacial region using very simple cost effective interventions. These may be carried out without surgery from a second surgical site, and obviate the necessity for complex flap surgery. Implants are inserted with relatively atraumatic surgical protocols permitting, for the first time, a single staged orofacial reconstruction, including the dentition.


Neue Entwicklungen in den Ingenieurswissenschaften, die zum ersten Mal in der Mund-Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie angewandt wurden, erlauben die Herstellung maßgetreuer anatomischer „Biomodelle“ der Knochenstruktur anhand von CAT-Scans (rapid prototyping). Biomodelle werden bereits zur Diagnose und Behandlung in Verbindung mit bestehenden klinischen Eingriffen eingesetzt. EAS-Technologie bietet sich an zur Entwicklung neuer Behandlungsmöglichkeiten und operativer Eingriffe, die vorher nicht möglich waren und ist ein Katalysator für das Entwerfen und die Herstellung maßgefertigter Implantate aus Titan für die einstufige Rekonstruktion im orofacialen Bereich, anhand einfacher und kosteneffektiver Eingriffe unter Vermeidung komplexer „flap surgery“. Implantate werden mit relativ atraumatischen chirurgischen Protokollen eingesetzt und erlauben zum ersten Mal eine einstufige orofaciale Rekonstruktion inklusive des Gebisses.

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The European University College, Dubai
PO Box 53382 Dubai UAE
Dr. Ninian Peckitt
Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon / Facial
Plastic Surgeon Dr. Nicolas & Asp Center
446 Jumeira Beach Road, Dubai
Phone: +971 4 394 77 77
jmreception@nicolasasp.ae (appointments)
peckitt@maxfac.com (personal correspondence)


1. In: Rapid Prototyping Casebook. Publishers: Professional Engineering Publications 2001 ISBN 1 86058 076 9 http://www.pepublishing.com/bookshop3.asp?book=58076&mode=toc
2. Phidias Project Summary Report. Materialise NV, Siemens Medical, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and Zeneca Specialties 1996 http://www.phidias.org/
3. Peckitt NS (1999) Stereoscopic Lithography: customised titanium implants in orofacial reconstruction. A new surgical technique without flap cover. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 37: 353-369
4. http://www.maxfac.com (167 references)
5. In: Mini Dental Implants: Principles and Practice, by Victor Sendax, Author - Ninian Peckitt: Chapter 7: An Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon’s Role in Advanced MDI Therapeutics: Engineering Assisted Surgery™, MDIs in Functional Reconstructive Surgery within Great Britain and New Zealand Venues. Publisher: Mosby 2013.
6. Kuipers von Lande RG, Peckitt NS, Cave NJ, Tang L (2012) Rapid prototype modeling and customized titanium plate fabrication for correction of a persistent hard palate defect in a dog. JAVMA 240:1316-22.
7. Valuation of Road Accidents. Highway Economics Note No. 1. Department of Transport 1966.
8. Royal College of Surgeons of England & the British Orthopaedic Association. Better Care for the Severely Injured. July 2000. Download publication: http://www.boa.ac.uk/PDF%20files/severly%20injured.pdf
9. Handling clinic negligence claims in England. Report by the Comptroller and Auditor General. HC 403 Session 2000-2001: 3May 2001. Publishers: London: The Stationery Office. Down load publication: http://www.nao.gov.uk/publications/nao_reports/00-01/0001403.pdf
10. Department of Health. Clinical negligence: What are the Issues and Option for Reform? A response by the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers October 2001. Download publication: http://www.apil.com/pdf/consultation/con59.pdf
11. Fenn P, Diacon S, Gray A, Hodges R, Rickman N (2000) Current cost of medical negligence in NHS hospitals: analysis of claims database. Br Med J 320: 1567-1571.
12. Department of Health. An organisation with a memory: report of an expert group on learning from adverse effects in the NHS chaired by the Chief Medical Officer 2000.
13. The Woolf Report 2001. Access to Justice. Download publication: http://www.dca.gov.uk/civil/final/index.htm
14. Johns Hopkins malpractice study: surgical “never events” occur at least 4,000 times per year. Johns Hopkins Medicine. December 2012. HYPERLINK http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/media/releases/ johns_hopkins_malpractice_study_surgical_never_events_occur_at_ least_4000_times_per_year http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/media/releases/johns_hopkins_malpractice_study_surgical_never_events_occur_at_least_4000_times_ per_year Accessed March 29, 2013.
